Strategic Approach

It’s time to come into your own.

You care about where you live and take pride in what you do. We’ll work together to make sure your passion and deep understanding translate to your website and owned media channels so you are as trusted online as you are in person. That trust and authority means you can expand your reach—responsibly—and achieve goals that go deeper than basic sales or conversions. To accomplish this, we’ll ask a few questions:

  • We’ll review your body of knowledge to pinpoint your expertise and plan what your site’s visitors can expect to learn when they spend time on it. This is about establishing your relevance and authority then building and sustaining trust.

  • We will review and refine your voice to ensure there’s a consistent, trustworthy, and true-to-yourself storyteller in front of your audience. We will put in place a process for engaging your audience in smart, authentic, and transparent ways.

  • Together, we will create a long-term editorial strategy, your target for maintaining or evolving your brand over the months and years ahead. Next, we will create a content calendar to fulfill your strategy and identify the pieces and people needed to make it happen.

  • We will set realistic and meaningful objectives and evaluate stretch goals, then put in place a replicable process for checking progress.




Own your story


No matter your “product,” I believe you have a story. I specialize in the travel industry as well as local culture and business, yet I bring the same story-driven and customer-engagement mindset to every strategy. You have a story that is yours. We’ll review your content and budget make sure your story going forward is the best it can be.


Share with others


There are many paid and organic ways to reach an audience. We’ll discuss who you want reach and why you want to reach them and figure out the best strategy for you and your budget. Because you’ve taken the time to invest in and own your story, it’s time to get it out there. How? I love email marketing, SEO, and select social media platforms, just to get us started.


Build community


There’s one more important investment to make, and that’s in your community of followers. We’ll build a strategy for building engagement in your story and then we’ll determine the tools and people needed to sustain it.

I have questions about my content.

Personal Leadership Philosophy


My stories inspire.

I ask questions that others find eminently useful.


Creativity is about making time to explore ideas that, first and foremost, inspire or challenge us, but that also could drive positive change in the world.


—How many horizons did I pursue?

—Can I measure in minutes the amount of time I took to pause and recalibrate?

—How many decisions have I recorded that were made with an eye to my future self?


Answers are often simpler and closer than we think, but I don’t take shortcuts. We cannot be bystanders to our own lives, nor can we expect that actions and hard work always lead to happiness. When we look back on the moments, months, and years, we’ll respect more the times we tried than the times we didn’t; we’ll see with clarity the crossroads where we took the easier or more difficult route and understand what each choice brought us. This retrospection is not to slow momentum, but to invite the question, “What choice would the future me want me to make?”


Take time on occasion to challenge your worldview and detach from the sociocultural influences and technologes that dull and drown our consciousness. In these moments we reorient, redefine, or confirm our path. (Put down your phone and take off your blinders!)

Knowledge and certainty are elusive. Truth reveals itself through the persistent interrogation of the world around us, which provides the evidence needed to move forward.


INQUISITIVE: I approach the world with curiosity, as a student. I am skeptical, steady, and philosophical in my approach to understanding being and knowledge.

PASSIONATE: I carry a deep-rooted sense of purpose and belief in ideas that, when tapped, produce flourishes of imagination and innovation.To be successful, we need a forum for sharing our ideas that is safe and open. I

CONSCIENTIOUS: I am ethical, careful, and humane. I am loyal to my team and family, and driven by a conscience that pursues greatness. I will use data when it informs the present but combine with intuitive actions that support human behavior and needs.


DiSC: Perfectionist profile

StandOut: Provider Creator

Writer and editorial strategist Andrew Dash Gillman and his Australian cattle dog rescue mix named Eve.

I’d like to learn more.